お土産の巾着について About souvenir purses


Today, at the cafeteria in the building where I work, I handed out a souvenir purse to those who participated in the sushi making experience tour for the first time.



It's my first attempt, so I don't know if you'll be happy with my participation, but I hope it will be a great memory of your trip to Japan.


Kimono is a traditional Japanese garment, but in recent years, Japanese people have become westernized, and it is not often worn on a daily basis.



In such a case, we remade a kimono that is no longer used as a drawstring bag as a small item case for everyday use.



There are various types of kimonos, but this blog introduces more than 600. I plan to remake the kimonos I collected and make various things.



Kimonos that are no longer in use are distributed cheaply in the Japanese market. One of the reasons is that it takes time to wear. It may be that it is difficult to care for it, such as not being able to wash it easily.



In any case, I hope that the traditional Japanese kimono can be used again. This time, I made a drawstring bag mainly with Komon fabric, but if it gets dirty and you want to wash it, I think you should wash it by hand with a neutral detergent.



I would appreciate it if you could write your impressions such as usability in the comment section below this blog. Finally, I hope that your trip to Japan will be a pleasant one.


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