


Yamazaki's 18th

Today is Yamazaki's 18th year of drinking at Ron Cana, a bar in Toyota City. Recently, I'm addicted to Yamazaki, so I think it was a very valuable experience to be able to drink Yamazaki's 18th. The color is a very beautiful amber color. W…

A year and a half since I started blogging

Happy New Year. It's a lonely blog that only a few people can see every day, but thanks to you, it's been a year and a half since I started. I've written it to some extent, but I'm trying my best to post some topic every day. Even if I tho…


今日は、豊田市のバー、ロンケーナさんの25周年の時に、常連さんからいただいたリンクウッドの19年です。 いろいろ調べて見ると、輸入元のコメントが見つかりましたので要約してご紹介します。<輸入元コメント>要約①オールド・モルト・カスクシリーズが人…